Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Maiden voyage....

Hmmmmmm.......so this is what blogging is all about. A written stream of consciousness that carries no gaurantees that anyone will read it. Or care about it. I feel so free. And bloated, for some reason.

My guiding principal for any future entries? No yelling, no spitting, wear pants.

I'll try to offer interesting tidbits that I have turned up in my daily activities....so if there's nothing here for weeks at a time.....you will have just had a peek behind the curtain at the Gifford household....there just ain't much goin' on there for the most part.

We'll see how she goes......but for now.....my cynical nature has me mentally aligned with the following borrowed (can't remember from where - might have been Patton Oswalt) assessment of the 'blogosphere'......."Blogging is To Literacy What Facebook is to @#$*ing".

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