Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Women Drivers

The parking lot sequence in this thing is hilarious. It's actually funnier if you turn off the god-awful, annoying music. Enjoy!



  1. Love it! Remind me to show you how to embed video into your blog! That way people can view the video right here!

  2. Caught your comments on Anonymous this morning and I remain Anonymous for the following reasons.
    The thoughts of a man or woman are just as legitimate whether there is a name attached to the thought or not.
    Because of the consequences of someone expressing a thought regarding certain subjects, if not politically correct or are unpopular with people who are in the position to hurt him are so severe that one wanders into the territory of fools if he gives away his identity.
    The government and corporations frequently post comments and ideas from unidentified sources in newspapers and in the radio and TV media which includes your employer, WSJM.
    And finally, even ten years down the road, if one Goggles your name and you have posted a thought that you may not even believe is applicable after ten years have passed, may very well find it still available and can be used to hurt you.
    The history of this country before and during the revolution was rife with publications whose authors were anonymous. Had they been identified the publication would have abruptly ended with the most awful of punishments inflected on the offending author by the very establishments in need of the criticism. The result being that the United States of America might have never been allowed to exist.

  3. in response to anonymous - get a life
