Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday's Calm Post

You become assaulted with bad news when you're in the news biz. So when something truly good happens, you tend to sit up and take notice.

A couple minutes here to pass along proper kudos to the truly good guys at P & R Service in S'ville. Have you ever taken your car to a mechanic and gotten out of there for $10? I have.

They've let me drive my car around after they've worked on it and then bring it back again and again until we solved the problem.

This time? Ed and Al were upfront about the fact that they found a problem with the new tires we just put on the Honda. Had they put the tire on the back and not told me about it....I never would have known....until the tires were rotated, probably. Instead they told me they knew there was a problem...and as soon as a new tire came in, they'd take care of it.

It does your heart good. These are tuly good people. Hats off, gentlemen!!

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